Anthéa Mayzaud

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Student: Anthéa Mayzaud
Title: Security and Monitoring for the Internet of Things
Affiliation: Inria/Loria Nancy Grand Est, University of Lorraine
Supervisor: Rémi Badonnel, Isabelle Chrisment
Start: May 2013
End: May 2016
Funding: FLAMINGO / Lorraine Region


Anthéa is currently a PhD student in the MADYNES research team (Management of Dynamic Networks and Services) affiliated with Inria Nancy and the University of Lorraine. She graduated in Computer Science at TELECOM Nancy, an engineering school part of the University of Lorraine, in 2012.

PhD project description

The concept of Internet of Things involves the deployment of Low power and Lossy Networks (LLN) allowing communications amongst pervasive devices such as embedded sensors. A dedicated routing protocol called RPL has been designed to consider the constraints of these LLN networks. However, the RPL protocol remains exposed to many security attacks that can be very costly in time and energy. We propose to exploit risk management methods and techniques to evaluate the potentiality of attacks and to dynamically reduce the exposure of the RPL protocol while minimizing resources consumption.

Recent publications

  1. Anthéa Mayzaud, Rémi Badonnel, Isabelle Chrisment, "Monitoring and Security for the Internet of Things", In: Proceedings of the 7th IFIP International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure Management, and Security, AIMS 2013, June 25-28, Barcelona, Spain. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7943, ISBN 978-3-642-36515-7, pp. 37-40.

External links