12th International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations & Management

 DSOM'2001 Home

 Call for Papers


 Important Dates

 Camera Ready Submission

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 PC Restricted Web page


Note: The WORD style has been slightly changed since the initial submission. Authors of accepted papers, please download the new word style, read it carefully and apply the style before submitting the camera ready paper.

Camera Ready papers submission instructions:

Papers should be full papers and be no longer than 5000 words (no more than 12 single-spaced pages). Submissions must include a cover page, containing the title, author name(s) and affiliation(s), the complete address (telephone, fax, email) of the corresponding author, and an abstract (max 150 words) followed by up to 5 keywords.

Authors are requested to submit an electronic version (A4 size PDF format) of the paper.

Authors can download here style files for the papers:

  • LaTeX:
    • You should respect the dsom.cls stype and use the alpha style for the bibliography;
    • papers examples are available in .tex, .dvi, .ps, as well as .pdf (obtained through the use of pdflatex and the pdftex option of the dsom style) ;
  • the NEW FINAL Word Style HERE

Send your camera ready paper as a compressed PDF file in a mail attachment to Olivier.Festor@loria.fr before August 25th (Hard deadline)

Stay tune the week after your submission. If the style is not used correctly we may ask you to perform changes in your document layout.

Please, NO PAGE NUMBERS on the camera ready document. Thank You.

Copyright © 1997-2000 Resedas Team - LORIA, INRIA, Dyade,
Last modified: Thu Aug 9 18:44:57 MET DST 2001