Ricardo de O. Schmidt

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Student: Ricardo de O. Schmidt
Title: Link Dimensioning
e-mail: r.schmidt@utwente.nl
Affiliation: University of Twente, DACS group
Supervisor: Prof. dr. ir. A. Pras
Start: 1 November 2010
End: 1 November 2014


I am a postdoctoral researcher within the chair of Design and Analysis of Communication Systems (DACS) of the University of Twente. I received a PhD degree from the same university for my thesis entitled Measurement-Based Link Dimensioning for the Future Internet.

On June 2015 I was a Visiting Professor within the Department for Computer Science (INGI), at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, hosted by Prof. Dr. Ramin Sadre.

Previously I worked at the Networking and Telecommunications Research Group (GPRT) of the Federal University of Pernambuco, in Brazil, where I received my MSc degree. And before that, I received my BSc degree in Computer Science from the University of Passo Fundo, in Brazil.

PhD project description

In my PhD thesis you will find measurement-based solutions for link dimensioning. These solutions use NetFLow/IPFIX, sFlow and/or OpenFlow measurement data. My PhD thesis is available here.

Recent publications

You can find a complete list of publications in my webpage or at the University of Twente repository.

External links