Message from the General Co-Chairs
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to welcome you to Paris, the City of Lights, for the 7th edition of the Conference on Network & service Management (CNSM 2011) on 25-28 October 2011. The conference is taking place in the historical premises of “René Descartes” University in “Quartier Latin”, in the heart of Paris, where major events have greatly impacted and shaped our world politically, scientifically, philosophically and artistically. In our present time which witnesses drastic changes in all domains, we hope that the spirit of René Descartes, as illustrated by his “Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting One's Reason and of Seeking Truth in the Sciences”, will be a purposeful source of inspiration and will shed a new light on this edition of the CNSM event.
The organization of a conference requires dedication and engagement of many people. We would like to first express our appreciation to Olivier Festor and Emil Lupu who, as Programme Co-chairs, have built up an outstanding technical program. We deeply thank Noura Limam who dedicated herself to set up and coordinate the two workshops organized prior to the main conference. Hakima Chaouchi and Yacine Ghamri-Doudane ensured that conference proceedings were produced in due time and duly included in IEEE Xplore, and IFIP and ACM Digital Libraries. Our Publicity Co-Chairs, Yixin Diao and José Marcos Nogueira, disseminated the word about the conference throughout the world. Samir Ghamri-Doudane and Nicolas Beaude ensured that the conference organization has remained within budget. Finally, the logistics organization has been in the capable hands of Valérie Alidor and the SEE team, as well as of the Multimedia Networking Group of the “Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris Descartes” (LIPADE).
We are grateful to the Steering Committee of CNSM 2011 for its support, in particular Raouf Boutaba, who constantly provided guidance to make this event both technically and socially successful. We thank SEE, IEEE Communications Society, and IFIP for technically co-sponsoring the conference and ACM SIGCOMM for the in-cooperation agreement, illustrating the excellence of this event. We would further like to express our sincere thanks to all the corporate patrons that generously provided their financial support to this major event. And, of course, we thank all our colleagues who contributed anonymously or back stage to the success of CNSM 2011.
In addition of the technical programme which also includes workshops and tutorials, the CSNM organization is very pleased to host related organization meetings such as the DMTF (Distributed Management Task Force) Board Meeting, the IEEE CNOM meeting, the IFIP TC6 Meeting and finally the Organization and Programme committee meetings of the next IFIP/IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2012). This reflects the ever-growing role that CNSM is playing in the domains of Network & Service Management.
Quoting René Descartes, we hope that the challenges of the Network & Service Management will result in a lot of thoughts, analysis and discussions at CNSM 2011: Cogito ergo Sum.
Prosper Chemouil and Ahmed Mehaoua
CNSM 2011 General Co-Chairs