MIB module validation
Validate a MIB module by uploading your file
Enter the local file name of your MIB module:
severity level:
- major SMI error, recovery somehow possible but
may lead to severe problems
- SMI error, probably tolerated by some implementations
- SMI error, tolerated by many implementations
- something which is recommended to be changed
- something that might be ok, but might not be
recommended under some circumstances
- just a notice.
(Every level includes the lower numbered levels).
uploading- All the files that you enter will be uploaded to a temporary directory on the validation machine. Immediately after validation this temporary directory with all its files will be removed again.
search path- The validator searches for imported modules in a series of locations.
The order of searching is as follows:
- If you have not activated 'Don't use built-in path':
- The locations (if any) that you filled in in the 2nd (etc ..) entry field
- The standard search path:
- If you HAVE activated 'Don't use built-in path':
- Only the locations (if any) that you entered in the 2nd (etc ..) field
file format- The validator can read MIB files in both SMI (v1 and v2)
and SMIng
To determine the format that it will be parsing, the FIRST
NON-WHITE character of the file is inspected:
- If it is an upper case letter or a dash
(-), then the SMI format is assumed.
- If it is a '/' (forward slash) or a 'm'
(lower case m), then the SMIng format is assumed.
For all other characters it is assumed that the file is not in
a valid input format.
import file names
- Currently the validator is only able to find imported MIB module files if the file name is the same as the name of the MIB module that it contains.
- Additionally, imported MIB module files can have one of the following frequently used extensions: <none>, .txt, .mib, .my, .smiv2, or .sming.
libsmi- This MIB validator is based on libsmi,
a software package developed by the TU Braunschweig. (Version:
smilint 0.4.7). The libsmi
project pages also maintain a page with
errors and warnings for IETF and IANA MIB Modules.